Saturday, January 4, 2014




After thinking hard about what i want to achieve for this year since I've already passed my silver age, I think it's the best time for me to look back of what I've done and my achievement throughout the 25 years of living that Allah has given me.

It's kinda sad and ashamed to say that I'm not really a good servant to Him as i devoted most of my life for duniawi purposes. I've done so many sins, either big or small, which I don't even dare and have heart to say except repent and seek forgiveness from Him. May Allah accept my repentance.

So, from this year onwards, there won't be anymore stupid resolution like previous years. Like last year, I want to change my status from being 'single' to 'in a relationship' or 'married'. Well, I kinda hope someday it will change. But now I realize that it will only happen with Allah's will. If He says it's the right time, then there will be someone who will ask for permission from my father or my brothers for the marriage thingy. Because I know, 'ajal, maut, jodoh, pertemuan adalah rahsia Allah dan Dia sahaja yang tahu'.

My only hope starting from this year is if my life is destined to be end by tomorrow, people will not be recognised me by who I was in the past but who I have become in my present and what I want to be in the future, as a good muslim. InsyaAllah..~


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