Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Bila kena soal dengan students..

Being a home tutor, you ought to know everything by your students. Even when you are not teaching them the subject. Plus, as teacher of teen-to-be students, stand by to get 'out of the topic and out of the box' q&a session. As today, we were doing mathematics and the time was almost over, they, the brother and sister popped out questions like:-

1. dalam anggota badan kita, apa yang paling penting?
- so, my answer was jantung.
2. Jadi, hati dekat mana? Kalau jantung lagi penting, kenapa orang selalu cakap kena jaga hati?
- well, ok. Nanti teacher check kenapa.
3. The sister suddenly asked about menstrual and reading quran when girl having period.
- my answer was kalau boleh, elak baca.
4. The brother later asked how to mandi wajib. But his sister snapped 'eh, kenapa lelaki kena mandi wajib jugak?'
- my answer to them was 'kakak kena baca balik buku pendidikan islam ni. Mestilah lelaki pun kena mandi wajib.' Without showing my shyness as this was for education purpose, i explained why to mandi wajib for girl and boy. Then, i explained to them how to perform mandi wajib, meratakan air di seluruh badan and all..

I love being a home tutor because of these lovely students. Ni baru satu rumah, belum lagi bercerita pasal anak-anak dekat rumah lain. Being with them make me feel that i need to read more and more not only what i need to teach them but also prepare what they will ask about the surroundings and life. Somehow, they help me improve to be a better person.

Sometimes, i feel like a mom searching for the simplest answer for every question they ask. Hehe, okay la jadi mak untuk anak2 orang. Karang keluar term architecture, xsampai pulak jawapan yang diberikan. Salute to mothers yang berjaya mengharungi anak2 remaja yang pelbagai ragam dan emosi.

My teenager-to-be students,
You will always be cute and naive students to me.. :)


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