Friday, April 18, 2014

Women: How to Get the Date of Your Dreams


#1 Check Your Environment

You need to be in places where men you are interested in will be. Want to date a yogi who can practice those asanas with you? See what events your yoga studio has. If a doctor is your goal, hospitals often have restaurants and cafeterias where MDs are regulars. Put yourself in the right place.

#2 Smile

It sounds simple, doesn't it? This one little cue that lets men know you're interested is never used enough. It's warm, welcoming, and seriously increases your chances of finding Mr. Right.

#3 Approach Him

Sometimes, you don't get what you want unless you ask for it. Men are confused nowadays. Some women play hard to get, others are cougars - make it easy on the guy.

#4 Don't be Coy

There was a time when playing coy was in a woman's favor but those times are gone. Men aren't really sure what to do and they're just as nervous as you. If he hints at getting together, make it clear you'd love to.

#5 Steer Clear of the Bar Scene

Sure, the occasional lounge or favorite restaurant bar is fine. But you know exactly what kind of men can usually be found prowling the local watering holes - and it's not the kind of men you want to date.

#6 Buy Him a Drink

If you DO spot the perfect man at happy hour, buy him a drink. It's a ballsy move. Bartenders can be utilized to deliver the drink, and all you need to do is smile. Judge what kind of guy he might be. Casually dressed men will probably enjoy a microbrew. Business pros should be bought a nicely aged scotch.

#7 Try Something New

Chances are, Mr. Perfect is not in your usual circle (otherwise you would have found him by now). A lot of men enjoy rock climbing, which is a great sport for you too! The best part? Everyone needs a belay partner.

#8 Let Go of that Checklist

You know that advice of creating a checklist of the "dream man?" Yeah, we'd all like George Clooney. Let go of some of the unrealistic expectations and focus on what counts.

#9 Don't Overlook Red Flags

A lot of us fall hard. Those dimples, that six figure salary, that luscious hair. But don't let anyone pull the wool over your eyes. Keep an eye out for red flags, like if he only texts you and never calls.

#10 Always Look Your Best

Sure, you're just going to the grocery store down the street, so why bother with changing out of that ancient sweater? Take some pride in your appearance. The right guy might just be in the produce section.

#11 Don't Wear Rings

Every fashionista has a slew of glam jewelry. Accessories are the spice of life, after all! But men that are interested might scan a woman's hand for a wedding ring. Don't let him get confused and keep hands manicured and ring-free.

#12 Sound Interesting

When he asks what your hobbies are (or if you have plans later) speak up. Don't be shy. And if he asks to do something later in that night, politely decline but offer a date night later in the week.

#13 Like Your Job

What would think of someone that had nothing but negative comments about their workplace? Pick out some things you do like and focus on that. Not employed? Tell him about what you would like to be doing and the steps you're taking to get there.

#14 Tell Him What You Like

Want a dream date? He's not a mind reader. This depends on the woman speaking up. Is your ideal date a romantic dinner with candles? Tell him. Are you more the beach picnic type? There's only one way for him to know.

#15 Be a Lady

You want to date a gentleman? Then be a lady. This means no innuendos, ending the conversation first, and presenting yourself how you want to be perceived.


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